This is not just a written list. LinkedIn, in collaboration Industry Email List with experts, included short videos with each question. In this way, they help applicants with how to interpret and approach such questions. According to LinkedIn Industry Email List these are the 8 most frequently asked interview questions: Tell me about yourself. What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness? Why should we hire you? Why do you want to work here? Tell me about a time you showed leadership. Tell me about a time you were successful on Industry Email List a team. What would your co-workers say about you? Premium benefit Do you have a LinkedIn Premium account.
Then you also get access to Industry Email List videos with examples of well-founded answers to the interview questions. Let's hope the users see these answers as 'examples' and don't start reproducing them. Otherwise we'll get even more clichés , like what everyone calls "perfectionism" as a bad quality. Screenshot showing Industry Email List the list of most frequently asked interview questions on LinkedIn. Answer application questions in a vlog LinkedIn has also added an option that allows you to practice answering questions yourself Industry Email List right away. Via the platform you can record your answer both in writing and with a video.
Then you review your answer Industry Email List critically and you can improve it if necessary. Screenshot of how to practice on LinkedIn with interview questions. The next development that is on the way, goes one step further. LinkedIn is working on a feature that will allow you to share the video with LinkedIn connections you trust. They Industry Email List can then provide feedback, coaching and advice. I think that if I wanted to practice a job application, I would rather do this face-to-face with someone than via a video on LinkedIn. Would you use Industry Email List thisFreek de Steenwinkel was the director of Tikkie.